Wednesday, August 4, 2010

From politics, it was an easy step to silence.

Day 2: Favorite song/Why you got a Blog
What A Wonderful World
By: Louis Armstrong

I admire this song.
and it's simplicity.

Why I Got A Blog
Let me cut to the point; I got a blog because it's refreshing. It gives me a place to vent, and I don't have much of those places anymore. I'm about to start college, so my parents are constantly all over me about everything, along with everyone else in my life. It's hard. I might sound like a baby, but growing up is hard!! All teenagers strive for freedom and independence, and when we finally get it we either abuse it or run from it! I don't want to do either one. But, I guess when the going get though I only gotta remember one thing; it's a wonderful world, I just have to realize it more often, and it's not as hard as it might seem.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

"A toast to Papa Dollar and to Mama Dollar."

Day 1: Favorite movie/15 Interesting Facts

Favorite movie of all time? That’s rough. There’s over 10 million movies that have been made, and I have to pick just one? Alright. Let me search my brain for the best movie of all time. (this might take a while my brain has to search over 10 million movies) Okay, I’ve got it. Impressive right?

-It’s A Wonderful Life (1946)

For starters, It’s a classic, It’s genuine, and the picture earned five Academy Awards. It’s a great movie that centralizes around the idea that no man who has friends is ever a failure. According to IMbd it’s about “an angel helps a compassionate but despairingly frustrated businessman by showing what life would have been like if he never existed.” I highly recommend it to any family looking for a good family-friendly film that teaches a good lesson.

15 Facts
01. I’m a vegetarian.
02. I’m deathly afraid of sharks
03. I can’t wait to be a mother.
04. I’ve already found the love of my life.
05. My favorite drink is organic green tea with mint.
06. I’m not a fan of work, of any kind.
07. I despise pain.
08. I cry every time I watch We Are Marshall.
09. I’ll do anything for the ones I care about.
10. I hate sluts. HATE SLUTS.
11. I diagnosed myself as a hypochondriac; enough said.
12. I have an obsession with soft blankets.
13. I have terrible trust issues.
14. I am a thanatophobic.
15. I believe in God.

I am who I am because of the people that have surrounded me my whole life. I think everyone carries little part of all the different people they meet throughout their lives. Every person we meet shapes our lives in a certain way, and is a part of the person we’ve become. I owe a little thanks to everyone I know, for putting me where I am today, because I don’t think I’ve turned out too bad :) So as George Bailey once said, “A toast to Papa Dollar and to Mama Dollar.”

I want to do this.

This is my thirty day challenge.
I stumbled upon a girls blog today, and she was doing a 30 Day Challenge. So, I decided I will too. I am always desperate to find something that reaches out to other people, that screams who I am to them. And I think this is perfect. And I’ll try to make a blog entry out of each one, everyday. enjoy :)

01. Favorite movie. 15 interesting facts about your life so far.
02. Favorite song. Why you got a Blog.
03. Favorite television program. Worst movie you ever saw.
04. Favorite book. A habit that you wish you didn’t have.
05. Favorite quote. A picture of somewhere you want to travel to.
06. Favorite music video. Celebrity crush
07. A photo that makes you happy. What was your last dream about?
08. Describe the style you had 10 years ago. Awkward obsessions.
09. A photo you took. Something that pissed you off, that normally shouldn’t piss you off.
10. Talk about a regret you have. Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad.
11. Share a story from your childhood. Out of anyone in the world, who would you put in shark-infested waters?
12. Explain how you got one of your scars. Share a pet peeve.
13. How do you think others view you? A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
14. Talk about the cuteness of your pets. One amusement park that you would burn to ruins.
15. A poem you wrote.
16. A song that makes you cry (or nearly). Picture of yourself.
17. An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.) that is your favorite.
18. Tell us about your best friend. Plans/dreams/goals you have
19. A talent of yours.
20. A hobby of yours.
21. A recipe.
22. Your deepest fear. A letter to your parents.
23. Write a love letter to yourself. Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future.
24. Reveal your most guilty pleasure.
25. If you have tattoos, show them. If not, talk about the tattoos you want or why you don't think they are right for you.
26. Talk about the last "random act of kindness" you encountered.
27. The last thing that made you cry.
28. Say something to your 15 year old self.
29. Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days.
30. Share what you have learned, if anything, about yourself in the last 30 days.